Employee onboarding software Onboarding Technology Tools
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25 of the Best Onboarding Technology Tools for 2024

As businesses continue to grow and expand, the need for efficient onboarding processes becomes even more crucial. How can you ensure that new employees have a seamless and productive onboarding experience? The answer lies in the right onboarding technology tools.

Are you struggling to keep up with the latest advancements and find the right onboarding technology for your organization? Look no further! We have curated a list of the 25 best onboarding technology tools for 2024 that will revolutionize your onboarding process.

  • What is onboarding technology? 
  • Importance of effective onboarding technology 
  • The top 25 best onboarding technology
  • How to choose the right onboarding technology for your business 
  • Best practices to launch and measure an onboarding initiative 
  • Frequently asked questions: Onboarding technology 

What is onboarding technology?

Onboarding technology is a set of tools and software designed to streamline the process of integrating newly hired employees into an organization. The onboarding process is crucial for helping new hires acclimate to their roles, understand the company culture, and become productive members of the team. Onboarding technology aims to make this process more efficient, effective, and engaging.

Key components of onboarding technology include:

  • Digital documentation and forms: Online platforms that enable new employees to complete necessary paperwork, such as tax forms and employee handbooks, electronically.
  • Employee portals: Centralized online hubs where new hires can access relevant information, resources, and training materials.
  • Training and learning management systems (LMS): Platforms that facilitate the creation, delivery, and tracking of training programs and courses for new employees.
  • Task automation: Automated workflows for tasks such as setting up email accounts, requesting equipment, and scheduling training sessions, which can save time and reduce administrative burdens.
  • Employee workflows: Digital workflows that guide new hires through the onboarding process, helping them understand what needs to be completed and keeping the process organized.
  • Social integration tools: Platforms that foster social connections and communication among new hires, existing employees, and mentors, helping to build a sense of community and belonging.
  • Feedback and surveys: Tools for gathering feedback from new hires about their onboarding experience, allowing organizations to identify areas for improvement.
  • Integration with HR systems: Seamless integration with existing human resources (HR) systems to ensure data consistency and accuracy.

Importance of effective onboarding technology

Effective onboarding technology plays a crucial role in shaping an employee’s experience, engagement, and retention within an organization. Here are the three main reasons why onboarding technology is important:

Efficiency and streamlined processes

Onboarding technology significantly accelerates the onboarding process by automating administrative tasks such as paperwork and training. This not only reduces the time it takes for new hires to become fully productive but also allows HR professionals to allocate their time more strategically, focusing on higher-value aspects of the onboarding experience.

Enhanced employee experience

Through the use of digital platforms and personalized approaches, onboarding technology contributes to a more engaging and individualized experience for new hires. This not only creates a positive first impression but also fosters a sense of connection to the company culture, enhancing the overall satisfaction and retention of employees.

Data-driven insights and continuous improvement

Onboarding technology provides organizations with valuable analytics and feedback mechanisms, offering insights into the effectiveness of the onboarding process. This data-driven approach enables continuous improvement, allowing companies to refine and optimize their onboarding strategies based on real-time information, ultimately leading to more successful and adaptive onboarding practices.

The top 25 best onboarding technology

Process Street

Process Street is a top-tier onboarding technology tool renowned for its excellence in usability, customization, integrations, compliance, support, and fostering employee engagement. The platform boasts a seamless user experience with a user-friendly interface tailored to accommodate both experts and non-experts.

Its customizable onboarding flows provide limitless flexibility, allowing organizations to align processes with their specific needs. Integrations with popular tools such as Slack, Trello, and Zapier further enhance the onboarding process, seamlessly integrating Process Street into existing workflows.

Key features:

  • Automated task assignments: Process Street facilitates automated task assignments, streamlining the onboarding process and ensuring a structured and efficient workflow.
  • Customizable form fields: The tool includes customizable form fields designed for collecting essential employee information, promoting accuracy and completeness in the onboarding documentation.
  • Interactive workflows: Process Street’s interactive workflows contribute to a collaborative onboarding experience, fostering communication and coordination among team members.
  • Compliance and record-keeping: The platform excels in compliance and record-keeping, enabling organizations to track and store all onboarding activities. This feature is particularly valuable for auditing and reporting purposes.
  • Integrations: Process Street seamlessly integrates with popular tools like Slack, Trello, and Zapier, streamlining the incorporation of the onboarding process into existing workflows.
  • Support and training resources: The tool provides robust support and training resources, including a dedicated customer success team. This ensures that users receive the necessary assistance to optimize their utilization of the platform.
  • Employee engagement tools: Task assignments and collaborative features can be framed as employee engagement tools, instilling a sense of involvement and ownership in the onboarding process. This aspect contributes to a positive onboarding experience for new hires.
  • Document management: The platform includes efficient document management capabilities, simplifying the storage and retrieval of important onboarding documents for HR professionals.
Try Process Street for free and take control of your workflows today
No credit card required

Rival HR

Rival HR is a cutting-edge onboarding technology tool that excels in simplifying human resource processes. It stands out for its user-friendly interface, robust features, comprehensive analytics, scalability, and commitment to enhancing the employee onboarding experience.

The platform offers a seamless user experience, providing a straightforward interface that caters to both seasoned HR professionals and those new to the platform. Rival HR’s customizable onboarding features enable organizations to adapt the onboarding process to their unique requirements. The tool’s scalability ensures that it can meet the evolving needs of growing businesses.

Key features:

  • User-friendly interface: Rival HR features an intuitive and user-friendly interface, ensuring ease of navigation for HR professionals with varying levels of expertise.
  • Customizable onboarding: The platform allows organizations to tailor the onboarding process to their specific needs, providing flexibility in designing workflows that align with company policies and requirements.
  • Comprehensive analytics: Rival HR offers robust analytics tools, allowing HR teams to gain valuable insights into the onboarding process. This data-driven approach facilitates informed decision-making and continuous improvement.
  • Scalability: Designed to accommodate the needs of businesses of all sizes, Rival HR is a scalable solution that can grow alongside an organization, ensuring it remains effective as the company expands.
  • Employee onboarding experience: Rival HR is committed to enhancing the employee onboarding experience, focusing on creating a positive and engaging introduction to the company. This includes features that promote communication and collaboration among team members.
  • Integration capabilities: Rival HR is equipped with integration capabilities, enabling seamless connections with other tools and systems, optimizing overall HR workflows.


Cornerstone’s onboarding technology tool stands out for its highly user-friendly and intuitive design, catering to both experts and non-experts in navigating and utilizing its features. This tool emphasizes customization, flexibility, and seamless integration with other HR and management tools, offering a comprehensive solution for organizations seeking an efficient onboarding process.

Key features:

  • User-friendly interface: Cornerstone prioritizes a highly user-friendly and intuitive experience, ensuring accessibility for users of varying expertise levels.
  • Customization and flexibility: The tool allows organizations to create custom onboarding flows, providing the flexibility to tailor the process to specific organizational needs and requirements.
  • Seamless integrations: Cornerstone seamlessly integrates with other HR and management tools, streamlining the onboarding process and enhancing overall workflow efficiency.
  • Digital document management: Cornerstone’s digital document management features contribute to effective organization and accessibility of essential onboarding documents, ensuring a smooth and paperless onboarding experience.
  • Task assignments and automated reminders: The platform facilitates task assignments and automated reminders, promoting compliance and meticulous record-keeping throughout the entire onboarding journey.
  • Support and training resources: Cornerstone provides robust support and training resources, including live webinars and a knowledge base, ensuring users have the necessary assistance to optimize the tool’s capabilities.
  • Employee engagement and retention: Cornerstone focuses on enhancing employee engagement and retention through features such as personalized onboarding experiences, social collaboration tools, and access to learning and development resources.

Exact Hire

ExactHire is a leading onboarding technology tool that excels in providing a seamless and efficient onboarding experience. Renowned for its user-friendly interface, customization options, integrations, and advanced features, ExactHire caters to the needs of both HR professionals and non-experts involved in the onboarding process.

Key features:

  • User-friendly interface: ExactHire prioritizes a user-friendly interface, ensuring ease of use for HR professionals and non-experts involved in the onboarding process.
  • Customization options: The platform offers extensive customization options, allowing organizations to tailor onboarding processes to meet specific needs and align with company policies.
  • Integrations: ExactHire seamlessly integrates with various tools and systems, enhancing the overall onboarding process by connecting with existing HR and management tools.
  • Advanced features: ExactHire comes equipped with advanced features, such as digital document management, electronic signatures, and automated workflows, contributing to a more efficient and paperless onboarding experience.
  • Automated workflows: The tool facilitates automated workflows, streamlining repetitive tasks and ensuring a standardized and error-free onboarding process.
  • Support and training: ExactHire provides robust support and training resources, including documentation, tutorials, and responsive customer support, to assist users in optimizing the tool’s capabilities.
  • Employee engagement tools: ExactHire recognizes the importance of employee engagement and includes features that contribute to a positive onboarding experience. This may include personalized onboarding experiences, social collaboration tools, and access to relevant learning resources.

Oracle Taleo

Oracle Taleo stands out as a comprehensive onboarding technology tool, excelling in various key areas such as usability, customization, integrations, compliance/record keeping, support/training resources, and features for employee engagement and retention. This tool provides a seamless onboarding experience with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for non-experts while offering extensive customization options to meet diverse organizational needs.

Key features:

  • Usability: Oracle Taleo prioritizes usability, ensuring a user-friendly experience for individuals of varying expertise levels. The intuitive navigation and interface make it accessible for both HR professionals and non-experts involved in the onboarding process.
  • Customization and flexibility: The platform’s customization and flexibility allow organizations to create tailored onboarding flows, adapting the processes to meet specific requirements and align with organizational policies.
  • Seamless integrations: Oracle Taleo seamlessly integrates with various tools, including HRIS systems, enhancing the efficiency of onboarding processes by connecting with existing HR and management tools.
  • Document management: The tool features robust document management capabilities, facilitating the organization and accessibility of essential onboarding documents for a more streamlined and paperless onboarding experience.
  • Task automation: Oracle Taleo includes task automation features, streamlining repetitive tasks within the onboarding process and contributing to overall efficiency.
  • Employee self-service portals: The platform provides employee self-service portals, empowering new hires with the ability to manage aspects of their onboarding process independently.
  • Reporting and analytics: Oracle Taleo offers advanced reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing organizations to gain valuable insights into the onboarding process and make data-driven decisions.


iCIMS stands out as a powerful onboarding technology tool, offering a comprehensive set of features designed to streamline the onboarding process. With a focus on usability, customization, integrations, compliance, support, and employee engagement and retention, iCIMS provides a user-friendly experience suitable for both experts and non-experts involved in onboarding.

Key features:

  • User-friendly experience: iCIMS prioritizes a user-friendly interface, ensuring accessibility for individuals with varying levels of expertise. This approach facilitates easy navigation and utilization of the platform.
  • Customization and flexibility: The platform offers customization and flexibility, allowing organizations to create custom onboarding flows tailored to meet specific needs and align with organizational requirements.
  • Seamless integrations: iCIMS seamlessly integrates with various tools, enhancing the efficiency of the onboarding process by connecting with existing HR and management tools.
  • Document management and e-signatures: iCIMS includes robust document management features, incorporating electronic signatures for a paperless onboarding experience, ensuring secure storage and accessibility of essential documentation.
  • Task management: The tool facilitates task management within the onboarding process, streamlining workflows and ensuring that tasks are organized and completed efficiently.
  • New hire portals: iCIMS provides new hire portals, empowering employees with resources and information essential for a successful onboarding experience.
  • Compliance and record-keeping: iCIMS places a strong emphasis on compliance and record-keeping, ensuring that all onboarding processes adhere to legal requirements and maintain meticulous records.


Whatfix stands out as an onboarding technology tool that excels in usability and user experience. Tailored to be user-friendly, even for non-experts, the platform offers a simple and intuitive interface. Customization and flexibility are key strengths, empowering users to create bespoke onboarding flows that align with specific organizational needs.

Key features:

  • Usability and user experience: Whatfix prioritizes usability, providing an intuitive interface that ensures accessibility for both experts and non-experts, fostering a positive user experience.
  • Customization and flexibility: The platform offers strong customization and flexibility, enabling users to tailor onboarding flows according to specific organizational requirements, ensuring a personalized and effective onboarding process.
  • Seamless integrations: Whatfix integrates seamlessly with various tools, facilitating easy connectivity with existing systems and enhancing overall workflow efficiency.
  • Interactive walkthroughs and in-app guidance: Key features include interactive walkthroughs and in-app guidance, offering an engaging onboarding experience for new hires and ensuring they navigate processes with ease.
  • Task lists: Whatfix provides task lists to streamline onboarding activities, ensuring that tasks are organized and completed efficiently.
  • Compliance and record-keeping: The platform prioritizes compliance and record-keeping, allowing organizations to track and monitor employee progress while ensuring adherence to company policies and regulations.
  • Support and training resources: Whatfix offers readily available support and training resources, including comprehensive documentation and responsive customer support, ensuring users have the necessary assistance to maximize the tool’s potential.

Creative Social Intranet

Creative Social Intranet emerges as a comprehensive onboarding technology tool, excelling in usability, customization, integrations, compliance, and support. The platform is designed to contribute to an engaging and retainable employee onboarding process, offering an intuitive user experience for individuals of varying expertise levels.

Key features:

  • Usability and user experience: Creative Social Intranet prioritizes usability, providing an intuitive interface that ensures accessibility for both experts and non-experts, promoting a positive onboarding experience.
  • Customization: The platform offers extensive customization options, allowing organizations to tailor onboarding flows to meet specific needs and align with organizational requirements.
  • Seamless integrations: Creative Social Intranet seamlessly integrates with various tools, ensuring data consistency across different systems and streamlining the onboarding process.
  • Document management: Key features include robust document management capabilities, ensuring secure storage and easy accessibility of onboarding documentation.
  • Task assignments: The platform facilitates task assignments, streamlining the delegation and completion of onboarding activities.
  • Feedback and evaluation tools: Creative Social Intranet includes tools for gathering feedback and evaluations during the onboarding process, promoting continuous improvement.


Eduflow, as an onboarding technology tool, offers a comprehensive solution designed to enhance the onboarding process. Known for its user-friendly approach and a focus on engagement, Eduflow aims to facilitate seamless onboarding experiences for both experts and non-experts.

Key features:

  • User-friendly experience: Eduflow prioritizes a user-friendly interface, ensuring accessibility for individuals of varying levels of expertise, fostering a positive onboarding experience.
  • Customization and flexibility: The platform provides customization options, allowing organizations to tailor onboarding processes to meet specific needs and align with company policies.
  • Seamless integrations: Eduflow may integrate seamlessly with various tools, streamlining the onboarding process by connecting with existing HR and management systems.
  • Interactive learning modules: Key features include interactive learning modules, engaging new hires with dynamic content and fostering an immersive onboarding experience.
  • Task assignments and progress tracking: Eduflow facilitates task assignments, allowing organizations to track and monitor the progress of onboarding activities, ensuring a structured and organized process.
  • Collaboration tools: The platform may include collaboration tools, encouraging communication and teamwork among onboarding participants.


BambooHR stands out as a comprehensive onboarding technology tool, characterized by its user-friendly interface and robust features. Designed to provide a smooth onboarding experience, the platform offers customization, flexibility, and integrations to meet the diverse needs of organizations.

Key features:

  • User-friendly interface: BambooHR prioritizes a user-friendly interface, ensuring accessibility for individuals of varying levels of expertise, contributing to a positive onboarding experience.
  • Customization and flexibility: The platform allows for customization and flexibility in creating onboarding flows, enabling organizations to tailor processes to specific roles, departments, or company requirements.
  • Seamless integrations: BambooHR integrates seamlessly with various tools and systems, facilitating efficient data transfer and management within the onboarding process.
  • Document management and e-signatures: Key features include document management with e-signatures, providing a paperless and streamlined approach to essential onboarding documentation.
  • Task assignment: BambooHR facilitates task assignment within the onboarding process, ensuring a structured and organized workflow.
  • Employee self-onboarding: The platform offers employee self-onboarding features, empowering new hires with the ability to manage certain aspects of their onboarding process independently.
  • Compliance and record-keeping: BambooHR prioritizes compliance and record-keeping, implementing robust security measures and detailed audit trails to ensure data integrity and confidentiality.


Clickboarding stands out as a comprehensive onboarding technology tool, designed to provide a user-friendly experience for HR professionals and new employees alike. The platform’s emphasis on customization, seamless integrations, and compliance ensures a streamlined onboarding process.

Key features:

  • User-friendly experience: Clickboarding prioritizes a user-friendly interface, catering to both HR professionals and new employees, contributing to a positive onboarding experience.
  • Customization and flexibility: The platform offers customization and flexibility, enabling users to create tailored onboarding flows that align with the specific needs of their organization.
  • Seamless integrations: Clickboarding seamlessly integrates with various HR tools, including HRIS and ATS systems, enhancing efficiency and connectivity within the broader HR ecosystem.
  • Task automation: Key features include task automation, streamlining repetitive tasks within the onboarding process and ensuring a standardized and efficient workflow.
  • Personalized onboarding portals: Clickboarding provides personalized onboarding portals, offering a customized experience for new hires as they navigate through their onboarding journey.
  • E-signature capabilities: The platform incorporates e-signature capabilities, contributing to a paperless onboarding experience and facilitating the efficient completion of necessary documentation.
  • Centralized dashboard: Clickboarding offers a centralized dashboard for easy management of the entire onboarding process, providing a comprehensive overview for HR professionals.


GoCo emerges as a user-friendly onboarding technology tool, showcasing strengths in usability, customization, integrations, compliance, and employee engagement. With its intuitive interface and flexible workflow builder, the platform is designed to cater to both experts and non-experts, facilitating a seamless onboarding experience.

Key features:

  • User-friendly interface: GoCo prioritizes a user-friendly interface, ensuring accessibility for individuals of varying levels of expertise, contributing to a positive onboarding experience.
  • Customization and workflow builder: The platform offers customization through a flexible workflow builder, allowing users to create custom onboarding flows that align with the specific needs of their organization.
  • Seamless integrations: GoCo integrates seamlessly with various tools, including HRIS, payroll, and benefits platforms, reducing data entry redundancy and enhancing overall efficiency in the onboarding process.
  • Compliance and record-keeping: GoCo features tools for compliance and record-keeping, ensuring that onboarding tasks and documentation adhere to regulatory requirements, promoting accuracy and legal compliance.
  • Support and training resources: The platform provides robust customer support and a wealth of training materials, including documentation, tutorials, and responsive assistance to help users navigate and optimize the platform effectively.
  • Performance management: GoCo includes tools for performance management, contributing to ongoing employee development and satisfaction throughout the onboarding journey.
  • Employee recognition: The platform incorporates features for employee recognition, fostering a positive workplace culture and enhancing employee engagement.


HRPartner stands out as an onboarding technology tool with a user-friendly and intuitive platform, catering to both non-experts and HR professionals. The customizable onboarding flows and seamless integrations contribute to a flexible and holistic onboarding experience, tailored to meet the specific needs of organizations.

Key features:

  • User-friendly and intuitive platform: HRPartner prioritizes a user-friendly and intuitive platform, ensuring accessibility for individuals with varying levels of expertise, fostering a positive onboarding experience.
  • Customizable onboarding flows: The platform allows for customizable onboarding flows, enabling organizations to tailor the onboarding process to meet the unique requirements of the organization and provide personalized experiences for new hires.
  • Seamless integrations: HRPartner integrates seamlessly with other tools, including applicant tracking systems and payroll software, facilitating data transfer and creating a holistic onboarding experience.
  • Document management and task assignments: Key features include document management and task assignments, ensuring compliance and record-keeping while streamlining the delegation and completion of onboarding tasks.
  • Automated alerts: HRPartner incorporates automated alerts, contributing to the efficiency of the onboarding process by notifying relevant parties of critical tasks and milestones.
  • Support and training resources: The platform provides comprehensive support and training resources, including a knowledge base, video tutorials, and responsive customer support, aiding HR professionals in effectively navigating the platform and resolving issues.
  • Goal setting: HRPartner includes features for goal setting, enabling organizations to align new hires with strategic objectives and foster a sense of purpose from the beginning of their journey.


Talmundo stands out as an onboarding technology tool, excelling in usability and customization, particularly designed for non-experts. The platform’s user-friendly interface empowers HR professionals to create tailored onboarding experiences, and its various integrations contribute to a seamless onboarding process.

Key Features:

  • Usability and customization: Talmundo prioritizes usability and customization, offering a user-friendly interface that enables HR professionals to easily create custom onboarding flows specific to their company’s needs.
  • Seamless integrations: The platform seamlessly integrates with various tools, ensuring a smooth onboarding process by connecting with other systems and tools used by the organization.
  • Customizable onboarding content: Talmundo provides customizable onboarding content, allowing organizations to tailor the information and materials presented during onboarding to align with their unique company culture and requirements.
  • Task management: Key features include task management tools, facilitating the organization and delegation of onboarding tasks to streamline the entire process.
  • Digital document signing: Talmundo incorporates digital document signing, contributing to a paperless onboarding experience and ensuring the efficient completion of necessary documentation.
  • Support and training resources: Talmundo offers robust support and training resources, including a dedicated customer success manager and a knowledge base, providing assistance to users in maximizing the platform’s potential.
  • Employee engagement and retention features: Talmundo includes features aimed at enhancing employee engagement and retention, such as personalized onboarding journeys, social integration, and gamification elements to make the onboarding experience engaging and memorable.


ClearCompany emerges as a comprehensive onboarding technology tool, excelling in usability, customization, integrations, compliance, support, and employee engagement. With its intuitive interface and robust features, ClearCompany is designed to provide a seamless and engaging onboarding experience.

Key features:

  • Usability and user-friendly interface: ClearCompany prioritizes usability with an intuitive interface, ensuring accessibility for both experts and non-experts, contributing to a positive onboarding experience.
  • Customization and flexibility: The platform offers robust customization and flexibility, allowing organizations to tailor onboarding flows to match their unique processes and specific requirements.
  • Seamless integrations: ClearCompany integrates seamlessly with various HR systems and tools, streamlining the onboarding process and promoting data accuracy across different platforms.
  • Document management and e-signature capabilities: Key features include document management with e-signature capabilities, providing a paperless and streamlined approach to essential onboarding documentation.
  • Task assignment and automated workflows: ClearCompany facilitates task assignment and automated workflows, enhancing efficiency within the onboarding process and ensuring a structured workflow.


MentoringCliq emerges as an efficient and user-friendly onboarding technology tool, prioritizing simplicity and customization. With its straightforward interface and flexible features, the platform is designed for ease of use, catering to both experts and non-experts.

Key features:

  • User-friendly interface: MentoringCliq features a simple and user-friendly interface, ensuring accessibility for non-experts and facilitating an intuitive onboarding experience.
  • Customization and flexibility: The platform’s key strengths lie in customization and flexibility, empowering organizations to create personalized onboarding flows that align precisely with their unique organizational needs.
  • Seamless integrations: MentoringCliq offers seamless integrations with other HR and onboarding tools, enhancing overall efficiency and ensuring compatibility within the broader HR ecosystem.
  • Personalized onboarding plans: Key features include personalized onboarding plans, providing a tailored experience for new hires and aligning the onboarding process with individual roles and responsibilities.
  • Compliance and record-keeping: MentoringCliq incorporates compliance and record-keeping functionality, ensuring that onboarding processes adhere to regulatory requirements, and maintaining comprehensive records for auditing and reporting purposes.
  • Support and training resources: The platform provides comprehensive support and training resources for both administrators and employees, ensuring that users can effectively utilize the tool’s capabilities.


Continu positions itself as a powerful employee onboarding platform, streamlining the onboarding process through automated workflows, segmentation, ongoing training, and real-time analytics. With a focus on simplicity and efficiency, Continu aims to make onboarding easy for new hires while providing a personalized and engaging learning experience.

Key features: 

  • Automated onboarding workflows: Continu streamlines the onboarding process by automating workflows, allowing administrators to set up structured onboarding paths for new hires.
  • Easy onboarding completion: The platform simplifies the onboarding process with a user-friendly interface, guiding new team members through essential training with just a few clicks.
  • Personalized tasks and knowledge sharing: Continu enables the creation and automation of personalized tasks, facilitating the sharing of critical knowledge tailored to each new team member.
  • Segmentation by teams: The platform allows administrators to build and share content based on the specific needs and locations of different teams.
  • Import and export capabilities: Continu offers convenient import features for onboarding training materials, allowing administrators to seamlessly integrate existing content into the platform.
  • Responsive design: Learners can access onboarding training materials from anywhere and on any device, thanks to Continu’s responsive design.


Sage offers cutting-edge onboarding technology designed to enhance productivity and engagement for new hires. Their intuitive and automated HR onboarding software tools streamline the onboarding process, providing a seamless experience for both HR professionals and new team members. The platform’s advantages include automated processes, progress tracking, and smart systems that simplify employee integration.

Key features:

  • Cloud-based: Sage’s cloud-based hub allows HR professionals and new employees to store, access, and manage onboarding materials, job contracts, and employee information centrally.
  • Automation: The onboarding software automates processes and tasks, saving time for HR teams and minimizing the risk of missed induction deadlines.
  • Reporting: Real-time status reports are generated by Sage’s onboarding software, offering visibility into each new employee’s onboarding journey.
  • Keep track of new hires’ progress: Sage’s efficient employee onboarding tool enables HR professionals to monitor and track the progress of new hires seamlessly.


Trinet stands as a comprehensive onboarding technology tool, designed to provide a user-friendly and intuitive experience, catering to both experts and non-experts. The platform’s strength lies in its extensive customization and flexibility, empowering organizations to craft personalized onboarding flows that precisely align with their unique requirements. Trinet ensures a smooth onboarding journey with seamless integrations, facilitating an efficient transition for new employees.

Key features:

  • Document management: Trinet facilitates efficient document management, ensuring seamless handling of essential onboarding documents.
  • Electronic signature capabilities: The platform integrates electronic signature capabilities, expediting the completion of necessary documentation.
  • Task automation: Trinet incorporates task automation, simplifying the execution of onboarding tasks and minimizing manual efforts.
  • Personalized employee portals: Offering personalized employee portals, Trinet ensures that new hires have a tailored and engaging onboarding experience.
  • Compliance and record-keeping: Trinet places a high priority on compliance and record-keeping, guaranteeing that all necessary documentation and regulatory requirements are met.
  • Support and training resources: Trinet provides extensive support and training resources to equip users with the knowledge and skills to leverage the platform effectively.


Wagepoint serves as an all-encompassing onboarding technology tool, presenting a user-friendly and intuitive platform designed for easy navigation and utilization by individuals with varying levels of expertise. The tool’s customization and flexibility features empower businesses to craft and implement bespoke onboarding flows tailored to their unique needs and specifications.

Key features:

  • Customization and flexibility: Wagepoint facilitates the creation of custom onboarding flows, allowing businesses to tailor the onboarding process to their specific needs.
  • Integration capabilities: The tool seamlessly integrates with other platforms, simplifying the onboarding process by connecting with existing HR and payroll systems.
  • Automation and task tracking: Automation features enable the automatic execution of onboarding tasks, while robust tracking mechanisms keep businesses informed about the progress of each onboarding step.
  • Compliance and record keeping: Wagepoint ensures regulatory compliance by maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of employee onboarding activities, supporting businesses in meeting legal requirements.
  • Support and training resources: The platform offers comprehensive support and training resources for both administrators and employees, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience.
  • Employee engagement and retention: Wagepoint goes beyond basic onboarding functionalities by providing tools to enhance employee engagement and retention, including personalized welcome messages, onboarding surveys, and ongoing communication features.


WorkBright stands out as a robust onboarding technology tool, excelling in both usability and customization. Geared towards individuals with varying levels of expertise, the platform’s user-friendly interface facilitates easy navigation and completion of onboarding tasks. WorkBright empowers organizations with the flexibility to create customized onboarding flows tailored to their specific requirements.

Key features:

  • Usability and customization: WorkBright prioritizes a user-friendly experience, ensuring that even non-experts can efficiently navigate and complete onboarding tasks. The platform’s customization options enable organizations to tailor onboarding processes to their unique needs.
  • Integration capabilities: The tool seamlessly integrates with various HR and payroll systems, facilitating data sharing and the smooth flow of information during the onboarding process.
  • Electronic document collection and form creation: WorkBright offers features for electronic document collection and form creation, streamlining the gathering of necessary information during onboarding.
  • Compliance and record-keeping: WorkBright excels in compliance and record-keeping, ensuring that organizations meet all onboarding requirements while securely storing necessary data.
  • Support and training resources: The platform provides excellent support and training resources, including live customer support, training webinars, and a comprehensive knowledge base to assist both administrators and users.
  • Employee engagement and retention: WorkBright includes features to enhance employee engagement and retention, such as personalized welcome messages and onboarding surveys to gather valuable feedback.


Rippling stands out as a comprehensive onboarding technology tool, providing a user-friendly and intuitive platform that caters to individuals with varying levels of expertise. The platform emphasizes extensive customization and flexibility, enabling companies to create tailored onboarding flows to meet their specific needs.

Key features:

  • Usability and intuitiveness: Rippling offers a user-friendly platform, ensuring ease of navigation and utilization for both experts and non-experts involved in the onboarding process.
  • Customization and flexibility: The platform provides extensive customization options, allowing companies to create onboarding flows that align with their unique requirements.
  • Integration capabilities: Rippling seamlessly integrates with various tools and systems, including HRIS, payroll, and IT management tools, streamlining the onboarding process and ensuring a smooth transition for new hires.
  • Automated paperwork collection and task assignment: Key features include automated paperwork collection, task assignment, and employee provisioning, simplifying the onboarding experience for HR teams and new employees.
  • Compliance and record-keeping: Rippling prioritizes compliance and record-keeping, assisting companies in staying organized and up-to-date with essential documentation during the onboarding process.
  • Support and training resources: The platform offers responsive customer service and an extensive knowledge base, providing valuable support and training resources for users.


Deel emerges as a user-friendly onboarding technology tool, prioritizing a seamless experience for both administrators and new hires. Its intuitive platform requires minimal training for non-experts, ensuring easy navigation. The tool’s customization and flexibility features empower organizations to create tailored onboarding flows that cater to the unique needs of different roles or departments.

Key features:

  • User-friendly experience: Deel provides a user-friendly platform that requires minimal training, enhancing the onboarding experience for both administrators and new hires.
  • Customization and flexibility: The platform offers customization and flexibility, allowing organizations to create custom onboarding flows that align with the specific requirements of different roles or departments.
  • Integration capabilities: Deel seamlessly integrates with other HR and payroll systems, streamlining the onboarding process and reducing the need for manual data entry.
  • Contract creation, digital signatures, and document collection: The tool provides key features that include contract creation, digital signatures, and document collection for a comprehensive onboarding solution.
  • Employee engagement and retention: Deel enhances employee engagement and retention through features such as remote team management, global payouts, and benefits management, contributing to a positive onboarding experience and long-term employee satisfaction.


Trainual stands out as a comprehensive onboarding technology tool, excelling in both usability and customization. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, catering to individuals with varying levels of expertise. Users can easily create, access, and follow onboarding processes, and the platform allows for effortless customization to adapt to changing requirements.

Key features:

  • Usability and customization: Trainual prioritizes usability, providing a user-friendly and intuitive platform for the creation and execution of onboarding processes. Customization features allow users to tailor onboarding flows to specific needs and update them as necessary.
  • Integration capabilities: The platform seamlessly integrates with popular tools such as Slack, G Suite, and Zapier, offering a flexible and connected onboarding experience.
  • Interactive training modules, assessments, and quizzes: Trainual’s main features include interactive training modules, assessments, and quizzes to ensure employee comprehension and engagement during the onboarding process.
  • Compliance and record-keeping: The platform excels in compliance and record-keeping, facilitating easy tracking of employee progress and documentation to ensure regulatory requirements are met.


Paylocity stands out as a comprehensive onboarding technology tool, prioritizing usability and customization to streamline the onboarding process for new employees. The platform boasts an intuitive user experience, making it accessible for individuals with varying levels of expertise. Users can easily customize onboarding flows to align with the specific needs of their organization, ensuring flexibility throughout the onboarding journey. Paylocity seamlessly integrates with other tools, facilitating a smooth transfer of data and information.

Key features:

  • Usability and customization: Paylocity prioritizes usability, offering an intuitive platform that is easy for non-experts to navigate. Users can customize onboarding flows to meet the specific requirements of their organization.
  • Integration capabilities: The platform integrates seamlessly with other tools, ensuring a smooth transition of data and information during the onboarding process.
  • Document management, e-verification, tax form management, and direct deposit setup: The tool offers key features like document management, e-verification, tax form management, and direct deposit setup, which contributes to efficient compliance and record-keeping.
  • Comprehensive support and training resources: Paylocity provides robust support and training resources, including live webinars, on-demand training videos, and a comprehensive knowledge base, ensuring users have the necessary tools for success.
  • Employee engagement and retention: The platform includes features that enable employers to create a personalized onboarding experience, contributing to a positive first impression and fostering employee engagement and retention.

How to choose the right onboarding technology for your business

Selecting the right onboarding technology for your business is crucial for a successful integration of new hires. Here are five key factors to consider when making this decision:

Customization and flexibility

Ensure that the onboarding technology can be tailored to fit the unique needs and processes of your business. Look for platforms that offer customization options, allowing you to adapt the onboarding process to align with your company’s specific workflows, branding, and cultural nuances.

User-friendly interface

Opt for onboarding technology with an intuitive and user-friendly interface. A system that is easy to navigate and understand will contribute to a positive user experience for both HR professionals and new hires. This can minimize training time and potential frustrations associated with adopting new technology.

Integration capabilities

Consider the compatibility of the onboarding technology with your existing systems and software. Seamless integration with HRIS (Human Resources Information System), payroll, and other relevant tools ensures data consistency and reduces manual data entry, improving overall efficiency and accuracy.

Scalability and future-readiness

Choose a solution that can scale alongside your business growth. The onboarding technology should be able to accommodate an increasing number of new hires and evolving organizational needs. Additionally, consider its adaptability to emerging technologies and industry trends to ensure that your investment remains relevant in the long term.

Security and compliance

Prioritize the security of sensitive employee data and ensure that the onboarding technology complies with relevant data protection regulations and industry standards. Look for features such as secure data transmission, role-based access controls, and encryption to safeguard information. This is especially critical for industries with specific compliance requirements, such as healthcare or finance.

Best practices to launch and measure an onboarding initiative

Launching and measuring an onboarding initiative involves careful planning and assessment to ensure its effectiveness. Here are six best practices to consider:

Define clear objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs)

Clearly articulate the goals of your onboarding initiative. Whether it’s reducing time-to-productivity, improving employee retention, or enhancing cultural integration, having well-defined objectives is crucial. Establish measurable KPIs that align with these objectives to track success.

Create a comprehensive onboarding plan

Develop a detailed onboarding plan that covers all aspects of the employee experience, from paperwork and training to social integration. Ensure that the onboarding process is structured, providing a clear roadmap for both HR professionals and new hires. This plan should be communicated to all stakeholders involved in the onboarding process.

Utilize technology for efficiency

Leverage onboarding technology to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. Digital platforms, automation, and learning management systems can significantly contribute to a smoother onboarding experience. Measure the adoption and impact of these technologies to ensure they align with your goals.

Gather feedback and adjust

Implement feedback mechanisms at various stages of the onboarding process. Solicit input from both new hires and those responsible for onboarding. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to enhance the overall onboarding experience.

Facilitate mentorship and social integration

Encourage mentorship and social interactions during the onboarding process. Connecting new hires with mentors or buddies can help them acclimate to the company culture and build relationships within the organization. Measure the success of these initiatives by assessing the level of social integration and mentorship satisfaction.

Monitor key metrics and analytics

Regularly monitor key metrics and analytics related to the onboarding process. This may include time-to-productivity, retention rates of new hires, completion rates for onboarding tasks, and engagement levels. Analyzing these metrics will provide valuable insights into the success of your onboarding initiative and areas that may require attention.

Frequently asked questions: Onboarding technology

What is onboarding technology?

Onboarding technology refers to the use of software and digital tools to automate and improve the process of bringing new employees into a company. This can include everything from electronic paperwork and document management to training and orientation modules.

What are the 4 phases of onboarding?

The onboarding process typically consists of four main phases:

  • Pre-boarding: Activities that occur before the new employee’s first day, including paperwork, background checks, and initial communications.
  • Orientation: The initial introduction to the organization, including an overview of policies, facilities, and an introduction to the team.
  • Training: The period during which new hires acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for their roles.
  • Integration: The ongoing process of assimilating new employees into the company culture, fostering relationships, and ensuring long-term success.

What are the 7 stages of onboarding?

The onboarding process can be broken down into seven stages:

  1. Recruitment and Selection: Attracting and hiring suitable candidates.
  2. Pre-boarding: Preparing new hires for their first day.
  3. Orientation: Providing an introduction to the company and its policies.
  4. Training: Equipping new employees with the necessary skills and knowledge.
  5. Socialization: Facilitating integration into the company culture.
  6. Performance Management: Setting expectations and evaluating employee performance.
  7. Continuous Improvement: Ongoing assessment and adjustment of the onboarding process.

What are onboarding techniques?

Onboarding techniques encompass a variety of strategies and methods to enhance the onboarding experience. These may include:

  • Digital onboarding platforms: Utilizing software for electronic documentation, training, and employee communication.
  • Mentorship programs: Pairing new hires with experienced employees for guidance.
  • Structured training programs: Offering organized training modules to convey essential job skills.
  • Welcome kits and materials: Providing new hires with informative materials and resources.
  • Feedback mechanisms: Gathering input from new employees to improve the onboarding process.
  • Social events and team building: Promoting social integration through organized activities.

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