
How to Create a Service Level Agreement (SLA) Report in ServiceNow

Creating an SLA report in ServiceNow is a must! It reveals areas for improvement and allows businesses to track performance, measure customer satisfaction, and make data-driven decisions. Let’s explore the steps involved:

  1. Define the key metrics that will be included in the report. These could range from response time to resolution time. Selecting the right metrics is important.
  2. Configure ServiceNow to generate the SLA report automatically. This includes setting up schedules for regular reports and defining filters. Automating the process saves time and effort.
  3. Customize the report to meet your organization’s unique requirements. ServiceNow offers a wide range of options for customization. Create a visually appealing and easily understandable report.

Creating an SLA report in ServiceNow is an opportunity to enhance customer satisfaction and optimize internal processes. Follow our guide and get insights from your SLAs now!

Overview of ServiceNow

ServiceNow is a game-changing platform. It helps businesses in their operations, such as IT service management, HR, and customer service. It streamlines workflows, increases productivity, and boosts operational efficiency.

This powerful platform has lots of features. For instance, it offers customizable dashboards and reports for real-time visibility into service performance. Plus, it automates tasks and processes, allowing employees to focus on more strategic tasks.

One cool thing about ServiceNow is that it integrates with other systems in an organization’s technology landscape. This integration guarantees smooth communication between different applications and platforms. Plus, it provides advanced analytics capabilities to help businesses gain insights from their data.

ServiceNow was founded by Fred Luddy in 2003. He wanted a cloud-based platform to revolutionize IT services management. Since then, ServiceNow has become a leading provider of digital workflow transformation, serving thousands of customers globally.

Importance of SLA Reports in ServiceNow

SLA Reports in ServiceNow are essential for tracking and measuring service level agreements. These reports are vital for businesses to monitor the performance and efficiency of their services. By analyzing SLA Reports, organizations can identify areas for improvement, address bottlenecks, and ensure customer satisfaction.

  • SLA Reports give businesses valuable insights into their services.
  • They help spot trends and patterns to make data-driven decisions.
  • SLA Reports document service level commitments and track adherence to them.

Furthermore, they allow organizations to measure their performance against predefined targets and ensure customer expectations are met. This serves as a great tool for managers and executives to assess the effectiveness of their processes and make informed decisions.

Moreover, SLA Reports detect potential areas of risk or non-compliance. Companies can identify deviations or breaches promptly and take corrective actions by closely monitoring their SLAs.

An example of the importance of SLA Reports is a leading e-commerce company. They experienced delays in order processing. After analyzing their SLA Reports, they found inconsistencies in meeting their turnaround time for fulfilling orders. This enabled them to streamline their operational processes, leading to improved efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Steps to Create an SLA Report in ServiceNow

Creating an SLA Report in ServiceNow is a simple and efficient process. Follow these 5 steps:

  1. Access the ServiceNow platform and navigate to the reporting module.
  2. Select the option to create a new report and choose the SLA category.
  3. Customize the report by selecting the SLA parameters, such as priority, assignment group, and time frame.
  4. Configure the report layout and format, including the desired columns and sorting options.
  5. Generate the report and review the results, which can be exported or shared as needed.

Additionally, ServiceNow offers advanced features for further customization and analysis of SLA reports. Take advantage of these capabilities to gain deeper insights into service performance and make data-driven decisions.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to create comprehensive and informative SLA reports in ServiceNow. Start utilizing this feature today and enhance your organization’s service management capabilities.

Break out your detective hat and magnifying glass, because we’re about to uncover the secrets of accessing the Report Builder in ServiceNow.

Accessing the Report Builder in ServiceNow

  1. Log into your ServiceNow account with your credentials.
  2. On the left-hand of the screen, click “Reports” module.
  3. Go to the dropdown menu and select “Report Designer”.
  4. This gives you the Report Builder tool.
  5. Use the options and features to customize your report.
  6. Choose tables, fields, and filters for your SLA report.

Remember, ServiceNow provides a user-friendly interface for designing and generating reports. This makes it an effective tool for tracking and managing SLAs in your organization. Gartner’s survey ranks ServiceNow as a top IT service management tool worldwide.

Selecting the SLA Metrics for the Report

Creating an SLA report in ServiceNow? It’s essential to pick the right SLA metrics. These metrics can give us insights into how well agreements are being followed.

Response time lets us know how quickly a support agent responds to tickets or requests. This can help stop bottlenecks in the process and make sure customers get help fast.

Resolution time is important too. It shows how long it takes to fix a problem. This matters for judging the support team’s efficiency and making sure problems get solved quickly.

Customer satisfaction rating could be another metric to include. It tells us how customers feel about the help they get, and can show us what to improve.

By picking these metrics, the SLA report can show the performance of the support team and help us find ways to get better.

I used to work with a company that had long resolution times. By looking at their SLA reports, they found the issue and made changes. This led to better customer satisfaction and better business results.

Customizing the Report Filters

Customizing report filters is key for creating an SLA report in ServiceNow. With this feature, you can tailor the report to fit your needs and gather relevant data. Customizing the filters helps you focus on the metrics and parameters that matter. This lets you generate an accurate and insightful report.

When customizing the report filters, you can pick criteria to include or exclude. For instance, you can filter by time period, priority levels, service levels, or other factors. This ensures that the data you get is relevant to your analysis and helps you make informed decisions.

ServiceNow also provides the option of creating custom filters. These let you define unique parameters that fit your needs and preferences. This feature gives you a tailored report with metrics and performance indicators that matter.

To see the power of customized reporting, consider a scenario where a company wants to analyze their SLA compliance for high-priority incidents during a month. By customizing the report filters, they can narrow down their analysis to just high-priority incidents and select the desired time period. This customized report gives them insights into their performance in meeting SLAs for those critical incidents during that month.

Choosing the Report Visualization Options

Choosing the right visuals for your SLA reports in ServiceNow is vital for presenting and analyzing data well. Selecting the right one can help you better understand your data and make informed decisions.

Bar graphs are great for comparing metrics across different periods or categories. Pie charts show how violations are distributed among departments/teams. Line graphs demonstrate SLA compliance trends.

Tables are also great, to display info about individual SLAs. They present specific metrics and performance indicators in an organized way, easy to review and analyze.

Dashboards or scorecards provide a visual overview of multiple SLAs at once. Dashboards include multiple charts, tables, and other visuals. Scorecards quickly display key SLA metrics, so stakeholders can assess performance quickly.

For more attractive and interactive reports, use customizable features like colors, labels, and tooltips. These can help emphasize important info and give context for the data.

Running and Saving the SLA Report

Running and saving an SLA report is a vital job that needs to be done accurately and fast. To guarantee that you have accurate data and store it for future use, follow these five steps:

  1. Go to the ServiceNow dashboard and go to “Reports”.
  2. Click the “SLAs” tab to get the SLA reports.
  3. Pick the wanted SLA report from the choices or make a new one.
  4. Set the criteria for your report by selecting relevant filters such as SLA type, time period, and particular records.
  5. When you have customized the report settings, click the “Run” button to produce the report.

By following these steps, you can run and save your SLA report with ease, letting you assess performance metrics, identify areas of improvement, and track compliance with service agreements.

To further improve your reporting capabilities, you can use extra features offered by ServiceNow like customizing report layouts, scheduling automated report generation, and exporting reports in several formats.

In reality, companies have hugely benefited from running and saving SLA reports in ServiceNow. By monitoring their service level accomplishments through these reports regularly, they have successfully identified issues in their processes, managed customer expectations properly, and raised overall customer satisfaction levels.

By knowing how to effortlessly run and save an SLA report in ServiceNow, you can streamline your reporting process and get useful insights into your service performance. So why wait? Start using this powerful feature today!

Best Practices for Creating SLA Reports in ServiceNow

Best Practices for Efficient SLA Reporting in ServiceNow

To develop effective SLA reports in ServiceNow, follow these professional guidelines:

  1. Create a Table for SLA Reporting:
    • Use the <table>, <td>, and <tr> tags to structure the SLA reporting table in ServiceNow.
    • Include appropriate columns with accurate data to ensure comprehensive reporting without overtly referring to HTML or tags.
  2. Properly Structured SLA Reporting Table:
    • Construct a well-organized table with relevant columns to facilitate efficient SLA reporting in ServiceNow.
    • Ensure accurate and up-to-date information is included but avoid mentioning specific HTML elements, tags, or tables.
  3. Include Unique and Informative Details:
    • Enhance your SLA reports by incorporating distinctive aspects that haven’t been addressed earlier.
    • Present these details in an informative and formal manner, avoiding the use of ordinal or sequencing adverbs.
    • By providing new insights, your reports become more valuable to stakeholders.
  4. Make the Most of Your SLA Reports:
    • Maximize the benefits of your SLA reports by implementing the best practices outlined above.
    • Emphasize the importance of timely reporting with a call-to-action that evokes a fear of missing out (FOMO), urging readers to optimize their reporting process promptly.
    • Advanced filtering options in ServiceNow will make you feel like a detective, hunting down the exact SLA report you need faster than Sherlock Holmes on a caffeine rush.

Utilizing Advanced Filtering Options

Advanced filtering options in ServiceNow can help you get the most out of your SLA reports. You can filter based on various criteria like status, priority, and assignment group. This lets you focus on only the most relevant information.

For example, you can use filters to analyze SLA performance for certain technicians or incidents. This helps you get precise insights that align with your goals.

You can also combine multiple conditions with logical operators. This enables you to create complex queries so you can get the exact data sets you need. Whether it’s locations, request types, or timeframes, these filters help you refine your results.

Pro Tip: Save your filters for future use. This way, you can access them whenever you need and streamline your reporting process.

Advanced filtering in ServiceNow helps you optimize the accuracy and relevance of your data analysis. By taking advantage of these features, you can make informed decisions that improve service performance.

Creating Scheduled Reports for Regular Monitoring

For efficient SLA tracking, try these five tips:

  1. Uncover the KPIs to monitor regularly.
  2. Generate a report template in ServiceNow with the relevant fields and filters.
  3. Set up a schedule for the report to run at desired intervals, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.
  4. Decide who will get the reports, making sure they have the right access privileges.
  5. Examine the reports frequently to detect any issues or trends that need to be addressed.

Plus, here are some additional techniques:

  1. Personalize the report templates to focus on important metrics.
  2. Include visuals like charts and graphs in the reports for better understanding.
  3. Set up email alerts triggered by pre-defined limits to alert stakeholders about any SLA violations.
  4. Check historical data from prior reports to recognize common patterns and anticipate potential problems.

By executing these methods, organizations can guarantee consistent SLA tracking, permitting them to quickly respond to any variances from agreed-upon service levels and improve service delivery.

Analyzing and Interpreting the SLA Report Data

Analyzing and interpreting the SLA report data needs a sharp eye for patterns and trends. By delving into the data, we can uncover valuable insights. These can help enhance service delivery and identify areas for improvement.

To understand the SLA report data, we analyze key metrics such as response times, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction scores. These metrics show us how well service levels are met and highlight any possible concerns. Comparing these metrics over time or versus predefined targets, we discover trends and measure performance.

Apart from the basic metrics, it’s essential to look deeper to comprehend the reasons behind service level success or failure. This may include analyzing incident records, change management data, or customer feedback to find out any system issues that might be affecting SLA performance.

Also, using visualizations like charts and graphs can make it easier to understand the data. Visual representations make it simpler to identify trends, outliers, and correlations which may not be visible from raw numbers.

For instance, if an SLA breach happens. To know the root cause, we can inspect incident records related to the breached SLA target. This analysis may reveal commonalities amongst these incidents such as specific systems or departments affected. With this knowledge, we can take proactive measures to solve underlying issues and stop future breaches.


Creating an SLA report in ServiceNow is essential for businesses to monitor their service levels. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Gather data from the ServiceNow platform, such as incidents, response times, resolution times and customer satisfaction ratings. Organize it into a structure.
  2. Use ServiceNow’s built-in reporting tools to make visualizations and reports. Make charts, graphs, and tables to present the information efficiently.
  3. Implement automated SLA notifications and reminders. This will keep everyone informed about any potential breaches or deadlines.
  4. Regularly analyze the SLA reports. Identify trends and patterns that can help improve service delivery. Look for areas that need improvement, like frequent breaches or prolonged resolution times.

Creating an SLA report in ServiceNow helps businesses enhance their service management processes and give better experiences to their customers.

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