
How to Change Status in Slack

Are you using Slack for team communication and collaboration? Have you ever wondered how to effectively manage your status in Slack to communicate your availability and focus to your team members? In this comprehensive article, we will guide you through the process of changing your status in Slack, covering everything from the reasons for changing your status to the different options available, including the steps for setting a custom status and automating status changes. Whether you’re using the desktop app, mobile app, or web version, we’ve got you covered. So, if you’re ready to optimize your communication in Slack and enhance your team collaboration, let’s dive into the details of changing your status in Slack.

What is Slack?

Slack is a popular team collaboration platform designed to streamline communication and enhance productivity within organizations, offering a variety of features for effective remote work and team coordination.

It allows users to set status updates and determine their availability, thus improving transparency and enabling efficient coordination. With presence settings, team members can easily identify who is online or away, fostering real-time communication and quick decision-making.

Slack offers customizable notifications, channels for specific projects or teams, file sharing, integrations with other work tools, and the ability to search for information within conversations, making it a comprehensive platform for seamless collaboration.

Why Change Your Status in Slack?

Changing your status in Slack serves as an essential tool for conveying your availability, signaling your engagement or unavailability, and ensuring effective communication and team coordination within the platform.

Whether you’re in a meeting, on a call, focused on a task, or taking a break, updating your status provides valuable insights to your team members about when you can be reached or when you need uninterrupted time. This fosters a culture of respect for each other’s time and commitments, leading to improved collaboration and productivity.

In remote work scenarios, where physical presence cues are absent, modifying your status helps bridge the gap by creating virtual presence settings, resulting in enhanced virtual interactions and seamless coordination among team members.

How to Change Your Status in Slack?

Changing your status in Slack can be done through various methods, providing users with the flexibility to update their availability and communicate their status through the desktop app, mobile app, or web version of Slack.

In the desktop app, simply click on your profile picture in the top right corner and select ‘Set a status’ to convey your availability.

For the mobile app, tap on the three horizontal lines, go to ‘Set Status,’ and choose the appropriate option.

In the web version, click on your name at the top left, then ‘Set a status’, and customize your status message to keep your team informed about your availability.

Using the Desktop App

To change your status in Slack using the desktop app, navigate to the top right corner of the interface, click on your profile picture or display name, and select ‘Set a status’ to modify your availability and update your profile status.

Once you have selected ‘Set a status,’ a dropdown menu will appear, allowing you to choose from predefined status options like ‘In a meeting,’ ‘On vacation,’ or ‘Out sick.’ You can also create a custom status by clicking ‘Custom’ and typing in your own status message. After selecting or creating your status, you can choose the duration for which it will remain active and even set an expiration time. Once everything is set, click ‘Save’ to apply your new status. This simple process enables you to communicate your availability and update your profile status with ease.

Using the Mobile App

In the Slack mobile app, changing your status involves tapping on the ‘More’ option at the bottom right, selecting your profile name, and then choosing ‘Set a status’ to customize your availability and update your profile status.

Once you’ve tapped on ‘Set a status,’ you can input an emoji, a brief description of what you’re doing, or select from presets like ‘In a meeting,’ ‘Out of office,’ or ‘Working remotely.’ This helps your team understand your availability.

By tapping on ‘Edit’ under your profile picture, you can modify your status to reflect your current activity, which is perfect for giving quick updates to your colleagues while on the move.

Using the Web Version

When using the web version of Slack, you can change your status by clicking on your profile name or picture at the top right, then selecting ‘Set a status’ to customize your availability and update your profile status as per your preference.

Once you’ve clicked ‘Set a status,’ a dropdown menu will appear, allowing you to choose from options like ‘In a meeting,’ ‘Out of office,’ or ‘Working remotely,’ or you can create a custom status.

To alter your availability, you can click ‘Set Yourself to Inactive’ or ‘Set Yourself to Active’ to reflect your current status.

To modify your profile status, simply click on it, edit the text, then save the changes.

These simple steps can help keep your colleagues informed about your availability and status updates.

What Are the Different Status Options in Slack?

Slack offers various status options, including ‘Active’ for indicating availability, ‘Away’ when stepping away from the platform, ‘Do Not Disturb’ for minimizing interruptions, and ‘Custom Status’ for personalized messages or updates.

The ‘Active’ status signifies that the user is actively using Slack and is available for communication and collaboration.

Users on ‘Away’ status are temporarily inactive or not actively engaging with the platform.

‘Do Not Disturb’ mode allows users to focus without being disturbed by notifications.

The ‘Custom Status’ feature enables users to convey specific messages or updates to inform others about their current activities or availability, providing flexibility and personalization in managing their presence settings.


The ‘Active’ status in Slack indicates that a user is currently available and actively engaged with the platform, allowing seamless communication and real-time interactions with their team members and channels.

This feature plays a crucial role in promoting a sense of immediacy and responsiveness within the team. It fosters a collaborative environment by facilitating instant communication, leading to quicker decision-making and problem-solving. The ‘Active’ status also helps team members gauge each other’s availability, making it easier to seek assistance or input when needed. It encourages team members to engage with each other, thereby enhancing overall team cohesion and productivity.


The ‘Away’ status in Slack signals that a user is temporarily unavailable or inactive, providing clarity to team members and minimizing interruptions during periods of non-engagement with the platform.

This feature is especially useful for employees who are in meetings, taking a break, or stepping away from their desks for a brief period. By indicating their temporary unavailability, users can manage expectations and avoid unnecessary messages or notifications. It also helps promote a culture of respecting individual boundaries and work-life balance within the team.

Utilizing the ‘Away’ status effectively contributes to a more organized and productive communication environment in Slack.

Do Not Disturb

The ‘Do Not Disturb’ status in Slack is designed to minimize interruptions and notifications, allowing users to focus on tasks without being disturbed by incoming messages or alerts within the platform.

When a user sets their status to ‘Do Not Disturb’, it signals to colleagues that they are not available for immediate communication, thus providing a conducive environment for concentrated work. This feature enables individuals to manage their presence settings effectively, ensuring that their communication preferences are respected within the collaborative workspace. By utilizing this status, users can maintain a balanced approach to addressing messages and prioritize their focus on essential tasks, thereby enhancing productivity and reducing unnecessary distractions.

Custom Status

The ‘Custom Status’ feature in Slack allows users to personalize their status messages with specific information, updates, or personal updates, enabling unique and tailored communication with their team and channels.

This feature is versatile and can be used to convey various types of information, such as sharing availability, indicating focus on a specific task, notifying about working remotely, or simply adding a touch of personality. It plays a crucial role in ensuring effective communication within teams by providing context about team members’ availability and activity.

The ability to customize messages based on different channels enables users to share relevant updates and information with specific groups, thereby enhancing team collaboration and productivity.

How to Set a Custom Status in Slack?

Setting a custom status in Slack involves accessing the status settings, entering a personalized message or update, and choosing the duration or conditions for the custom status to provide a tailored communication experience.

Once you have accessed the status settings, you can enter a message that conveys your current availability or activity, such as ‘in a meeting’ or ‘on vacation,’ to inform your colleagues. You can set specific conditions for when the custom status is displayed, like based on the time of day or when certain keywords are mentioned.

Managing profile status updates includes adjusting your availability to ensure that your teammates are informed about your accessibility during work hours.

What Are Some Tips for Setting a Custom Status in Slack?

When setting a custom status in Slack, it’s important to be clear and concise, utilize emojis or GIFs to enhance the message, and leverage status updates as a means of effective communication and engagement with your team. This can help convey your availability, current tasks, or even your mood to your colleagues.

When crafting your custom status, consider using simple language that clearly communicates your current situation or activity. Keep in mind that visual enhancements like emojis or GIFs can make your status more eye-catching and engaging.

Updating your status regularly can help keep your team informed and foster better collaboration within your Slack workspace.

Be Clear and Concise

When setting a custom status in Slack, clarity and conciseness are paramount, ensuring that your message effectively conveys your availability, engagement, or specific information to your team members and channels.

By being clear and concise, you enable your colleagues to quickly understand your current status, reducing confusion and improving overall communication. Custom statuses should be brief yet informative, offering a snapshot of your availability or current focus. Including relevant keywords or symbols further enhances the impact of your status, allowing others to grasp your situation at a glance. This practice fosters a transparent and efficient environment, where everyone can stay informed without being overwhelmed by lengthy or unclear updates.

Use Emojis or GIFs

Incorporating emojis or GIFs into your custom status can add visual appeal, convey emotions, or provide context to your message, enhancing the communicative impact and engagement with your team members within Slack.

By using emojis or GIFs in your custom status, you can infuse creativity and personality into your interactions, making your presence more vibrant and expressive. These visual elements can effectively convey sentiments, activities, or even indicate availability, making it easier for your colleagues to understand your current status at a glance.

Incorporating visual elements can make your custom status more interactive, encouraging others to respond with similar visual cues or engage in playful exchanges, fostering a lively and dynamic communication environment within Slack.

Use Status Updates to Communicate With Your Team

Leverage the custom status feature in Slack as a means of communicating important updates, sharing relevant information, or engaging with your team members to maintain an open line of communication and collaboration within the platform.

Custom statuses can serve as an effective way to keep your colleagues informed about your availability, upcoming deadlines, or even just to express your current mood or workload. These statuses can facilitate quick understanding of your current focus and encourage others to reach out or collaborate according to your availability. By utilizing custom statuses, you can streamline communication and create a more transparent and connected work environment within your team on Slack.

How to Change Your Status in Slack Automatically?

Automating status changes in Slack can be achieved through third-party apps such as Slack Status Scheduler or utilizing built-in features within Slack, allowing users to schedule and manage status updates seamlessly.

These tools and features enable users to effortlessly customize their presence settings, whether it’s indicating that they are in a meeting, out of the office, or working remotely. By integrating automation, individuals can ensure that their status updates reflect their current availability and focus, thereby improving communication and collaboration within the Slack workspace. This process not only streamlines the management of status modifications but also enhances productivity by providing real-time visibility into each team member’s availability and current activities.

Using the Slack Status Scheduler App

The Slack Status Scheduler app offers a convenient solution for automating status changes, allowing users to set predefined schedules for status updates, ensuring seamless transitions between availability states within the platform.

This app simplifies the process of managing availability by enabling users to customize their status based on their work hours, meetings, or even personal time. By automating these updates, it streamlines communication within teams, as colleagues can quickly gauge each other’s availability and plan their interactions accordingly.

With the ability to create and manage different status profiles, users can ensure that their status reflects their true availability at any given time, avoiding the need for constant manual updates.

Using Slack’s Built-in Status Scheduler Feature

Slack’s built-in status scheduler feature allows users to proactively manage their availability by scheduling status updates based on specific times, events, or recurring patterns, providing automated control over their presence within the platform.

This functionality enables seamless transitions between different availability statuses, ensuring that team members are informed about each other’s availability without the need for prolonged manual updates. By automating the process of status changes, users can focus on their work while keeping their colleagues well-informed. The ability to schedule status updates at predetermined times or set them to reflect ongoing meetings, breaks, or out-of-office hours streamlines proactive communication and promotes transparent collaboration within the Slack workspace.

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